Pilates and Cardio Dance Fusion Classes on the Sunshine Coast

Start your truly transformative journey, break through stereotypical fitness boundaries, and HAVE FUN with The Move Collective.

Just wanted to say I'm keen as a bean to get back to your style classes after my break and sweat it out!! My body has been craving the "after feel" of class that regular movement just doesn't have!!

– KB

Finally a workout that isn't boring! Perfect combo of dance and Pilates. I'm so glad I found Corissa and her classes! Everyone is so welcoming and we always leave on such a high. Thnak you for the happy hormones!

– Lisa

Just wanted to say how much I LOVE your mums and bubs freedom cardio barre class! Such a burn for the muscles but also lifts the mood with the good beats and fun moves. Tuesday arvos are definitely the highlight of my week. And Parker loves it too as he gets a nice little nap while we dance.

– Kelci

Thank you for allowing me to find my playful side again – it feels great.

Cardio barre is for everyone – you just have to take the leap and enjoy the beat, the moves and the non stop laughter – who says exervise has to be boring!

– Tammy

Okay – I officially get FOMO when I see Tues class reminder pop ups given I'm out of town Tuesdays. Friday afternoons I now look forward to getting up early for class on Saturday, and even though I may arrive to class half asleep sometimes, I definitely leave feeling pumped, energised and all the high vibes ready to tackle anything the weekend brings! Sundays – my muscles are sore in all the right places knowing doing the work... worked!! It's a buzz and a welcoming environment and something I look forward to each week. Thanks Corissa for creating a space for something fun but challenging for women of all fitness backgrounds to be better versions of ourselves.

– Kyarna

Find your groove with The Move Collective

Find your groove with The Move Collective

Are The Move Collective Classes right for you?

Join us if you:

• Aspire for real results in strength, rhythm, coordination and cardiovascular fitness

• Are attracted  to a movement style that can shift your energy, improve your mood and focuses more on feeling than aesthetics 

• Feel uninspired by your current fitness regimen

• Desire support and inclusivity with your fitness journey

• Seek an uplifting environment that resonates with your fitness and mindset goals

• Need a revitalising addition to your current workout regime

Our Signature Fusion Group Classes feature:

  1. A gentle warm-up to prepare you for moving your body

  2. A standing series of combined strength, Pilates, and cardio dance 

  3. A mat series that’s more strength based, but still has the rhythm focus. This lets us target more specific muscle groups ( glutes, core, arms et )

  4. A juicy cool down & stretch

The Move Collective Methodology:

Fun first Approach

Dynamic Fusion

Rhythm and Coordination

Inclusive Community

Joyful Movement that boosts endorphin release

Body Positive

Empowerment and Confidence

With our unique fusion approach, we guarantee you’ll see improvements to both your mental and physical health.

Fill in the form below and we’ll get you started with a free 60-min class

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Coordination is not a prerequisite! Infact, it is my life’s mission to help my students improve their coordination ;) . My classes are all follow along, and repetitive, which builds familiarity. This sets my students up for SUCCESS not failure.

  • Absolutely no dance experience required, but grooving in the kitchen and the shower definitely counts as experience for our classes! I was never a dancer, and now I teach it. If I can, you can too! We are here to learn together.

  • The classes are generally more high impact, so I always recommend my students to try it first with their shoes on. Some prefer to take them off, but others prefer it for knee and ankle support. They are not mandatory, but I recommend bringing them for your first class to try.

  • As a passion project, and a part time working mama, the one class is what’s on offer for now. My goal is to grow the community and expand my offerings! I have 4 class cards on sale for purchase, which expire 6 weeks after purchase.

  • Absolutely! Find me on the gram, and send away your fave songs to move too. I am always looking for ways to elevate my playlists, and I take my music VERY seriously :)